Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Hillary was not my first choice. I've not kept that a secret. The longer the campaign has gone one, I've learned to admire her preparedness, strength and genuine desire to do a good job.
Do I think she's made mistakes? Yes. Do I think she will in office? Probably. Every other man President has in the history of the country. I'm not saying I like it. I'm saying I acknowledge it.
So I'm confused here still what people think electing the other option will accomplish?
this crap with the emails? it's a mess. but it's mostly hot air & the press. so remember that Fox & the Daily Mail & the like have all to gain by stirring the election. And by having T***p in office. this is the old boys money club waging war because they are afraid. And don't think for a minute he cares about making anything great besides other rich white men.
He wants us to be a country where segregation is acceptable again.
He wants us to be a country where sexual violence against women is something to wink & laugh at.
He wants us to be a country where a man can be on trial for child rape & run for President.
He wants us to be the country the rest of the world won't want to deal with.
He wants us to be the country which cannot explore reasonable gun laws.
He wants us to be a country whose leader will walk away & deny responsibility as he has with every company he's dumped in bankruptcy court.
He wants us to be a country where the wage gap increases, poverty levels rise & rich businessmen don't have to pay tax.
He has stated, without compunction, every step of the way, that anything that doesn't go in his favor is corrupt. But the same systems will be fine if he wins?
None of this makes us great.
We need reform in Washington. He will not bring it. With Hillary in office it's possible.
When I say #ImWithHer, it's not just HRC. I'm with her because as a result of his campaign, I'm far more afraid to be a woman living & working in this country than I was a year ago. And am afraid for other women, daughters of friends & family, & minority friends & family.
I'm with her because what isn't great about our country is the bucketfuls of hate & violence that have been unleashed.
I don't know. I've always said, I'll stay & fight. That if you love America, you don't quit when it doesn't go your way. I didn't leave when Gore lost. And I had the option.
But staying here is scary. I don't like feeling that.
I'm pretty good about listening people's opinions I disagree with. But I'm appalled if anyone would change their vote based on this flimsy shit Weiner's ex & the Murdoch empowered media are stirring up.
I just can't fathom why anyone can vote for him. You'd think the kiddie rape would be enough, you know?
The tax evasion. the lying about employment.
all the things you care about in your every day life.
I'm just sad.
My friends in UK & Europe are scared & angry. Today Sian asked if we have a plan if he wins? Do we?
I feel like we're not ready. And it's going to be really ugly.
I wish I had a better ending to this from a writing standpoint. and a human outlook.
But I'm just sad. And scared. And angry.
Because I was proud to be American. I'd still like to be. I love this country. Love takes work.
I just don't know.
But I know #ImNotWithHim #NeverHim

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