Friday, July 22, 2016

Girls on Film

I'm obviously too old to have been a child of the 90s but I remember being the cool girl in kindergarten. sort of. One of our neighbors was in the same class so I was 'allowed' to mind his turtles while the boys played. and I knew some of them from Sunday school so I was ok. I guess. 
honestly, I was more interested in books. and back then we didn't watch as much tv so those weren't our games. My cousin & I played "Little House" because we'd read the entire series cover to cover & adored them.
And I loved the original "Ghostbusters". I know my attachment isn't as....dedicated as some people. or obsessed or something. but I truly hate being treated like how much you love is a contest & has to have a winner.
I remember this feeling when you were 7 and were realizing boys and girls didn't get treated the same. and I remember the standard of 'not quite cool enough' as a grown up working video stores.
The boys were always considered smarter. by themselves & customers. more than once I answered a question & had someone look at my assistant to confirm.
I moaned for awhile about a remake or sequel. I was over all the arguing & when Harold passed, I was really not into it.
But. I love Paul Feig. and those actresses. and I look at my friends with kids and I want those girls to have heroes. and I want those boys to know we are heroes and deserve to be treated as them.
I was lucky. I had dolls but I wasn't really raised being told I couldn't do boy things.
I want to go to the movies and see the women I know in my life - who come in all colors & shapes & sizes & love all different kinds of things & are so much more than sitting by a phone waiting for man to change the world. And I want kids I know to see the pictures of the crew & all the women behind the scenes who made this happen. And the men working beside them as a team.
This is so very good. and Erin Ramsey says it far better than I could.
Well worth a read:
"Why? Should I go see it?"

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