Friday, January 6, 2017

Rogue One: An Aussie boy's story

There's loads of people who love Star Wars. There's load of people who've adored it their whole lives & for many different reasons.
I always say you can't explain to people who weren't around what it really was like when the original (ep 4) was released. That theatre experience. The then rare experience of a sequel & anticipation, without an internet.
Ben Mendelsohn is an actor I've adored for years. He's a truly rare talent. And age wise, falls right in the sweet spot where that for sure was a huge moment in his childhood.
This is a great piece. By an writer who seems to get him.
I hope maybe people who love him in something larger than live, like this, will go seek out the smaller films. Animal Kingdom. Year My Voice Broke. Love My Way (tv) The Efficiency Expert.
He's really an astonishing talent.
Like I said - people love Star Wars in different ways. & it's not a contest.
But I couldn't wish success on anyone who deserves it more. & loved & appreciated being involved.
and as a kid who had a great Star Wars experience & loves film quite a lot,
it will be a singular thrill to see that face on a big screen as part of that particular universe.
(og post on FB, 8 Dec. 2016)
Guardian interview

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